We want to begin moving to the next level immediately beginning with our 1st all goalie meeting and practice. Built for both team and personal success. Motivation and Caring!
There are two teams goalies belong to at Pilot Mound Hockey Academy:
A] Most important, the actual 20
member roster team
B] Our goalies only group.
We cover an awful lot. The little things matter too!
– Fun! (STPHF: Stop The Puck Have Fun!)
– Weekly on ice / classroom / video room instruction.
– Home game attendance and in-game instruction / Away game TV or YouTube
review and comment.
– As required [daily / weekly – monitored] social media communication.
– Confidence – Support and review: The emotional, mental and psychological
aspects of the game. We understand where all the parts of the game fit and how
they react together.
– Game preparation.
– Team play responsibilities: who does what, where, when, how and WHY!
No confusion. Everyone on the ice on the same page, at the same time!
– Fitness / Flexibility / Strength / Rest.
– Nutrition.
– Positioning: Stance / Situations / Read and React.
– Saves: By body part / Reflexes / Rebound 3c’s / Equipment.
– Movement: Skating / Sliding / Scrunching 3s’s.
– Personal care: Equipment / Injuries / Illness.
– Life skills: Respect, Cooperation, Team etc. Working with our goalie parents
throughout the season.
– End of season exit review / recommendations.