PMHA has access to 3-52 passenger buses that are utilized by the Buffaloes for all trips. A 24-passenger van and 15 passenger van is also available for local transportation.


The Pilot Mound Millennium Complex is the primary practice facility for the Buffaloes. It is a 46,000 square foot facility designed to provide excellence in the heart of a hockey community. The heart and soul of Pilot Mound has been poured into our facilities our hockey organization is extremely proud to be able to offer this environment to our students!

Pilot mound Hockey Academy

Entrance And Lobby

Our facility is modern and well equipped for the best home town hockey!

Pilot Mound Arena
Pilot Mound Arena

Dressing Rooms

The PMMRC has 4 state of the art dressing rooms designated to the male and female Pilot Mound Hockey Academy programs. There are also 5 other dressing rooms available for use as PMHA hosts events.

Male U15 Prep

Male U17 Prep

Male U18 Prep

Female U18 Prep

Home Ice

The ice in the complex is a full NHL size sheet and well maintained for the best training experience.

In addition to the ample ice surface, the arena has great viewing from the mezzanine, ice level stands, as well as indoor viewing.

Pilot Mound Rink

Canteen and curling

A great fully functioning canteen and 3 curling sheets!

Pilot Mound Hockey Academy
Curling At Pilot Mound


Our students are at home in our dorm style housing. These areas are designed to provide a home away from home environment with the study and recreational areas they need to achive excellence!

Common Area
Kitchen Area
Upstairs Picture Wall

PMHA food services

At PMHA, we take pride in offering a state-of-the-art culinary kitchen where athletes enjoy three nutritious and delicious meals daily: breakfast, lunch, and supper. Additionally, we provide a variety of healthy snacks throughout the day, with the kitchen closing at 9:15 PM. Our meals are designed to support athletes’ optimal performance both on and off the ice.

Dorm Room Visit

Watch the video to see what the female dorm areas are like and how the students feel about the environment.

Dorm Life at PMHA

Every student is provided with their own room but also great recreational areas. Community is created here in the dorms where students grow with their team!